Communication is as vital to the couple relationship as air is to all humans for life. So often we grow apart in our love relationships due to childhood wounds, present day betrayals, and the constant demands of our fast paced lives. We forget how important it is to continue to listen and share our deepest truths, feelings, desires and dreams. We may feel that we know our partner and that there is nothing new to hear or to say. This is when a deadness and disconnection roots itself in the core of our relationship. Now we look to other sources to see us, to listen to us and to fill the longing that we all hold for deep connection. So often marriages fall apart at this stage of a relationship, one or both of the partners have affairs, and addictions creep in such as alcohol, porn, overworking and extensive spending of money.

How do we come back to that first attraction, a sense of unconditional love, the desire to be together and to share all that life brings? How do we recognize that our partner is a unique and beautiful being whom we once felt totally enamored with? Can we make a truly informed decision as to whether we should stay in a relationship or if it is time to move on?

Andrea helps the individuals in the couple be true to them selves and to safely communicate in a way that allows each one to be deeply heard and responded to. She helps partners reconnect through dialog, both verbal and non-verbal. Using a process coined by Harville Hendrix as Imago Therapy, a physical / spiritual practice of Kundalini Yoga for couples called “Venus Kriyas” and Psychodramatic role playing. Couples receive guidance and “homework”on how to integrate these intentions and skills into their everyday life. Many clients have found renewed awareness, love and comfort in their relationships through Andrea’s support.